A specialist Occupational Therapist will work with the Case Manager to assist their client in returning to meaningful occupation. Whether the client is able to return to their Pre Incident employment or whether they are having to train for a whole new career, we have the support and solution required.
Returning to Pre Incident Role and Workplace
After a serious illness or injury, there are many challenges to be faced and overcome by your client returning to their pre incident role. These can be both physical and mental. Our therapist will conduct an assessment to identify the demands of the role and your client’s needs. They will work with the employer and your client, facilitating a dialogue to identify and address these issues and agree a return to work programme. The therapist then monitors and reviews the programme on a regular basis to ensure its success.
The programme may involve:
- Pre-return to work rehabilitation programmes
- Work site visits
- Employer/employee liaison
- Grade work return programme
- Reasonable adjustment advice
How does it help?
Return to work programmes reduce the length of absences and increase the likelihood of the return to work succeeding. They give clear guidelines for the employer and the client and demonstrates that a company has fulfilled all their obligations and their duty of care.
Unable to return to Pre Incident Role/Workplace
In some cases, an individual’s return to their pre incident role may not be possible. In this case, redeployment or, in the worst-case scenario, termination of employment can be likely options. Your client is now faced with what may feel like the most enormous task of not only looking for a new job but also a whole new career.
Our Vocational Specialist will conduct a Transferable Skills Analysis to help your client identify potential occupations based on their existing skills, experience, interests and hobbies. They will assist your client in viewing redeployment positively. Our Vocational Specialist will help your client to navigate the process of leaving their pre incident role and company and guide them towards securing alternative employment. Additional training requirements will be identified, opportunities for work hardening or experience will be researched and our vocational specialist will work with your client every step of the way until they are successfully back in meaningful employment.
At Enable Works, we pride ourselves on our can-do approach, our meticulous attention to details, our timely and efficient communication and liaising with all agencies and parties involved and our determination to support an individual for the entirety of their rehabilitation journey, whatever our involvement.